George Polymeros was born in Edessa, Greece, in 1953 and grew up in Thessaloniki. He studied Sociology in Upsala University in Sweden and Visual Arts at the Stockholm School of Fine Arts. In the meantime, he worked as a scenographer in the National Sweden Television and in film productions. For a time in the 1980s he worked in the fabric and jewellery industries and won the Royal Spanish Academy Award.
Polymeros has exhibited his work in many art spaces, especially in Scandinavia. In addition to that, he has been featured in group exhibitions in France (Saint-Paul-de-Vence), Switzerland (Geneva), Greece (Athens, Thessaloniki, Spetses) and Cyprus (Limassol).
In his artworks, Polymeros often uses materials like metal, paper, oil, wax and gold or silver leaves. He also creates sculptures out of stone and wire. Polymeros’ art is multi-layered while maintaining a minimalistic look by drawing inspiration from the Greek landscape. His work features elemental objects and the most basic forms found in nature. Therefore, his work is surrounded by an aura of quiet recollection and can represent stillness or graceful motion.
As art historian Karl-Axel Johansson notes: “ Polymeros’ oeuvre acts as a channel to the subconscious. In it, he hints the sequential relationship of the microcosm and the macrocosm. His works possess an ever-changing, ever-flowing essence; they live and radiate in subliminal tension that is perceived by the viewer only when he or she is open to it”.
George Polymeros currently lives and works in Thessaloniki.